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5 Ways to Find Certainty in an Uncertain World

Mental Health Foundation | Everyone deserves good mental health

Our second insight for Mental Health Awareness Week comes from client Tom Sobel, based at our Percy Street office in Fitzrovia.

During this Mental Health Awareness Week, Tom brings awareness to the fact that many people are currently  struggling to find certainty in an uncertain and ever changing world.  His expertise shows that by cultivating a sense of certainty within ourselves and our work environment, we can improve our mental health and well-being.

5 Easy Ways to Make a Difference

First: Focus on What You Can Control

While many things are beyond our control, there are aspects of our lives that we can influence. Learn to adapt and embrace change as a natural part of life. Being flexible allows you to navigate uncertainty with resilience and grace. Redirect your energy toward actions you can take and decisions you can make to positively impact your life.

Second: Don’t be afraid to lead by example

As leaders and colleagues, we must set the tone by being open about our own mental health struggles. When we share, we understand and then we’re less likely to judge.

mental health Third: Vulnerability breeds connection, a feeling of universality and encourages others to speak up.

By incorporating mental health discussions into our everyday conversations, just like we talk about physical health or our weekend plans; let’s make discussing mental well-being a regular part of our workplace culture.

Fourth: It is important to establish clear boundaries to protect your mental and emotional well-being

We need to become actively mindful and aware of our own capacity levels. Learn to say no to things that drain your energy but prioritise activities that nourish you, which will recharge your batteries and replenish your capacity. This will reduce your risk of burn out.

Fifth: As employers, regularly review and update your support policies regarding mental health and well-being

Demonstrating awareness and importance by promoting supportive policies will reduce the stigma often associated with mental health. We live in a multicultural society and the topic of mental health can be sensitive. Not everyone will feel comfortable talking about mental health, but that doesn’t mean you cannot provide
information that lists various types of support services available, from suicide hotline numbers, chat lines such as the Samaritans or local counselling services.

By fostering a culture of openness, understanding, and support, we can break down the barriers surrounding mental health in the workplace and
create environments where everyone feels valued and supported. Together, let’s make mental health a priority. 💚

#EndTheStigma #MentalHealthMatters #WorkplaceWellbeing

Photo of Tom Sobel Counselling, MA, MBACP, Psychotherapist in LondonTom Sobel is a MBACP, BACP and National Counselling Association registered counsellor with over 20 years experience. Tom uses a variety of approaches to create a personal and supportive solution for each individual client . As an American expat living in the UK, he is able to provide a unique multicultural perspective to British clients, while also offering targeted guidance to other American expats.  Get in touch with Tom here.

Tom Sobel, MA, MBACP

